We are finding new ways to test many configurations with minimum resources
How would you present STAMP?
As I understand it, STAMP develops new testing methods and tools to make software testing more efficient and also more versatile because we cover most of the DevOps cycle. Basically finding more bugs, faster and more often.
What is your role in STAMP?
I am now the leader of Work Package 2 on Configuration testing. I joined STAMP in the fall 2018, taking over my colleague Anatoly Vasilevskiy. My role is to bring together colleagues involved in configuration testing so that we find several ways to test as many configurations as possible with minimum resources. I bring my experience in software development and testing, especially when it comes to deployment in the Cloud and IoT domain.
What key innovation do you bring or help to develop?
I am also one of the contributors of the CAMP tool, which helps developers run their tests under multiple configurations. Our idea is to use the Docker technology to easily deploy our application into various alternative configurations that could differ with respect to database version, application server configuration, operating systems patches, etc. We aim at varying anything in the environment of the software we are developing.
A word about yourself and your organization
I am Research Scientist in SINTEF Digital. Formerly, I joined the Software Engineering Institute of the Peking University (P. R. China) as a postdoctoral fellow, working on the convergence of Software Architecture, Middleware and Models at runtime toward effective self-adaptive systems. Holding a PhD degree and a Master degree in Software Engineering, I have contributed to various national and international research projects such as MODAClouds, DIVERSIFY, DREAMS, ARCADIA and STAMP to name a few.
SINTEF is Scandinavia's largest independent research organization and a non-profit research foundation. We employ 2100 people, most of whom are in Trondheim and Oslo (Norway). SINTEF is multidisciplinary, with international top-level expertise in a wide range of technological and scientific disciplines, medicine and social sciences. SINTEF is represented in STAMP by the Secure IoT Software group (SIS). Within SINTEF Digital, we bring expertise in model-driven engineering applied to Cloud computing and IoT Software Engineering. STAMP is an opportunity for SINTEF to develop and transfer cutting-edge testing skills but also improve home grown software components.