
STAMP Descartes Presentation

Benoit Baudry, Professor at KTH University, offered this presentation of STAMP software testing tools Descartes and DSpot, to Orange DevOps teams in Grenoble, using a remote webinar on October 2, 2019. 

STAMP at Devoxx Paris

The STAMP project is presented at DeVoxx France, 17-19 April 2019, through two French talks by Caroline Landry (INRIA) and Vincent Massol (XWiki). 

STAMP at Ericsson, Kista, Sweden

On Friday 12 April, 2019, Oscar Luis Vera Pérez (Inria Rennes) talks about mutation testing at Ericsson Offices, in Kista. The goal of the workshop is to share lessons learned on tool architecture, and to list advantages / impediments of doing mutation testing on very large software systems. 

Software Testing Amplification in DevOps

This talk by Benoit Baudry, KTH Professor and STAMP Project coordinator was provided during a one-day workshop organized by TESTOMAT, STAMP, XIVT & Software Center in Stockholm April 11, 2019. Leading researchers in test automation shared their work to help businesses reach the next level of software test automation.

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STAMP presentation at Paris Station-F

Caroline Landry, Research Engineer at Inria, describes the STAMP tools and their business benefits to startupers and DevOps teams. Then, Mohamed Boussa details the ActiveEon use case, at Paris Station-F, 27 February 2019 (in French). More about this event.

STAMP presentation at Dutch Testing Day 2018

During the 24th Dutch Testing Day, on 6 November 2018, Software Engineering Professor Arie van Deursen (TU Delft) used this presentation for a talk on Software testing and Continuous Integration focused on the STAMP project DevOps tools.

Mutation Testing meeting at ParisJUG

During the ParisJUG evening meeting on 24 October 2018, Henry Coles (PIT/NCR Edinburgh) and the XWiki CTO Vincent Massol provided excellent talks about mutation testing and automatic test generation using STAMP amplification tools.

  • Vincent Massol, XWiki CTO:

Mutation Testing at BzhJUG

STAMP Project scientific leader Benoit Baudry (KTH) presents testing amplification technologies at BreizhJUG in Rennes, France, June 21, 2018. 

Test Amplification to DevTestOps Service at OW2con'18

Presentation of STAMP at OW2con'18, June 8 2018, in Paris, by Daniele Gagliardi, Engineering Spa. 

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Mutate and Test your Tests at Spotify Stockholm 2018

Presentation of Descartes at Spotify Stockholm, May 17 2018, in Stockholm, by Benoit Baudry, KTH.

Mutate and Test your Tests at Paris Open Source Summit 2017

Presentation of STAMP at the Paris Open Source Summit, December 6-7, 2017, in Paris, by Caroline Landry, Inria. 

Mutate and Test your Tests at EclipseCon'17 Europe

Presentation of STAMP at the EclipseCon'17 Europe in Ludwigsburg (Germany)
Benoit Baudry (KTH), 25 October 2017
This 35 minutes talk introduces the benefits of a metric for test suite quality: the mutation score. The intuition of this score is simple: to determine if a test suite can detect bugs in a program, simply inject bugs in this program and check if the tests can detect them.

Software Testing AMPlification at OW2con'17

Presentation of STAMP at the OW2 annual conference in Paris Châtillon, in Orange Gardens Innovation Center
Etienne Sauvage, 27 June 2017

Software Testing AMPlification for DevOps

Presentation of STAMP at Open Cloud Forum by OW2 in Paris, in parallel with Cloud Computing World Expo '17
Benoit Baudry, 22 March 2017

Improving software quality and DevOps automation with STAMP

Presentation of STAMP at OW2con'16
Benoit Baudry, 21 September 2016

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