
May 11 2021

Vincent Massol, XWiki CTO

XWiki Leverages STAMP Software Testing Suite

What is it that characterises XWiki application lifecycle management?

XWiki  is an open source project born 16 years ago, which is continuously improving through 40 new versions per year. This enterprise wiki provides a platform for application development and offers 700 extensions. All together, it contains more than one million lines of java and javascript code. Every month, nearly 50 contributors are working on Xwiki... ...

Oct 29 2019

Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO

We have identified a market opportunity in offering STAMP as SaaS

How would you present STAMP?

STAMP is about software testing, a professional activity with recent changes related to business agility and development productivity. These changes lead to the DevOps approach, with more collaboration between development and operation team members, so that they can deploy new services faster. ...

Jul 25 2019

On Collaboration, Science, Software Technology and Open Source

Benoit Baudry, KTH Professor in software technologies, highlights four key success factors in the STAMP project: an intensive collaboration between ten industrial and scientific partners, good science and breakthrough research, software technologies accessible to third party users and open source software to facilitate the dissemination of innovative tools that can be tried immediately.
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May 24 2019

Jeff Offutt, Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University (Virginia)

Mutation testing can improve software reliability, including security

Where are the business challenges solved by mutation testing?

Mutation can help develop excellent tests. Mutation creates subtle variations of the program-under-test (called mutants), and challenges the tester to design or find test inputs that distinguish the mutants from the original. The resulting test set will find faults that lurk in complicated expressions and hard-to-reach sections of the code. Mutation tests ensure statement and branch coverage, but go far beyond them in their ability to reveal faults in the code. ...

Apr 24 2019

Cyrille Artho, KTH Associate Professor

Mutation testing can serve as indicators on test quality and relevance

How do you see mutation testing tools being adopted in business projects, as an effective method with significant benefits on distributed software updates?

I think mutation testing has its uses in specialized settings, where the software is small (or well-modularized). However, many companies struggle with the fact that they can't keep up with testing, so we also see the opposite (test selection), where tests are not analyzed as much in depth, but instead, the goal is to be as light-weight as possible. From this point of view, mutation techniques should in general also be efficient and light-weight. ...

Apr 04 2019

Lars Thomas Boye, Tellu IoT Senior Software Developer

Test amplification has a great potential to cover multiple contexts and configurations


How would you present STAMP?

For me, STAMP is about helping organizations who develop software to test that software, thereby increasing software quality. It uses amplification to address the need to do more testing while also reducing the effort needed to increase test coverage and quality. For a company selling software, or services based on software developed in-house, software quality is vital, and testing is the way to insure quality. ...

Mar 01 2019

Franck Chauvel, Research Scientist at SINTEF Digital

We are finding new ways to test many configurations with minimum resources


How would you present STAMP?

As I understand it, STAMP develops new testing methods and tools to make software testing more efficient and also more versatile because we cover most of the DevOps cycle. Basically finding more bugs, faster and more often. ...

Jan 14 2019

Andy Zaidman, TU Delft Associate Professor in Software Engineering

STAMP uses state-of-the-art search-based software engineering techniques to reproduce existing crashes


How would you present STAMP?

STAMP is about being smart about testing. We know we need to test, but often we don’t do it or we don’t do it fully enough. What STAMP brings to the table is making full use of the tests that are already there and by applying smart approaches, creating additional tests. ...

Dec 19 2018

Vincent Massol, XWiki CTO

STAMP innovates running UI functional tests on various configurations and environments


How would you present STAMP?

STAMP is a European Research project with the aim of pushing the limits in Java software testing. Its novelty comes from the focus it has, which is to try to generate new tests based on existing tests. This is different from other initiatives trying to generate tests from source code only and this gives STAMP a much higher chance of getting tangible results. ...

Oct 15 2018

Henry Coles, PITest designer

Practicing effective mutation testing


How do you see mutation testing tools being adopted in business projects, as an effective method with significant benefits on software updates? 

The most effective way I've seen mutation testing tools being deployed in business projects is when a developer simply starts using one locally to check their own work as they develop. If they are self motivated to write good code and good tests then the tool saves them time and effort by automating some of the thinking and highlighting areas of the code and tests that need attention. ...

Sep 18 2018

Brice Morin, SINTEF Senior Research Scientist

CAMP builds a set of Docker images to test multiple configurations


How would you present STAMP? 

Writing rich test suites able to bring a high level of confidence in your software is a costly and time-consuming endeavour. STAMP takes your existing tests and automatically amplify them, to generate more tests, increasing test coverage and reducing the number of regressions. ...

Jul 05 2018

Daniele Gagliardi, Engineering Group Technical Manager

An augmented software testing design now delivered as a pure service


How would you present STAMP? 

From my point of view STAMP is some kind of augmented reality to the service of software testing design: when I, as a developer, design test cases and test configurations for my software, STAMP helps me to enhance my design with several variants, also assessing how good are my test design. ...

Jun 01 2018

Jesús Gorroñogoitia, Research Line Expert on Software Engineering, ATOS Research

Improving bug detection wherever the software is executed


How would you present STAMP? 

STAMP aims at improving the Software Engineering QA process in a 3-dimensional approach that largely improves the efficiency of the design, implementation and execution of test cases on a SUT (System under test) over multiple configurations. ...

Feb 27 2018

Caroline Landry, Software Architect and Project Manager, INRIA

Reducing the number of regression bugs and improving test coverages


How would you present STAMP? 

The main goal of STAMP is to automatically generate tests from existing assets (scenarios, configurations and logs), to detect regressions and reduce tests cost.
Writing and maintaining test suites manually are costly or … not done ! ...

Nov 10 2017

Benoit Baudry, Professor in Software Technology, KTH

Automatically Enhancing Test Suites to Improve Software Quality


How would you present STAMP? 

STAMP addresses the need for increased quality of automatic testing in a continuous delivery pipeline. Companies that have adopted DevOps already have a culture of automatic testing, but also acknowledge that the quality of their test suites can be improved. ...