May 11 2021
Vincent Massol, XWiki CTO
XWiki Leverages STAMP Software Testing Suite
What is it that characterises XWiki application lifecycle management?
XWiki is an open source project born 16 years ago, which is continuously improving through 40 new versions per year. This enterprise wiki provides a platform for application development and offers 700 extensions. All together, it contains more than one million lines of java and javascript code. Every month, nearly 50 contributors are working on Xwiki...
Dec 10 2019
POSS 2019
Event: Paris Open Source Summit
Date: December 10-11, 2019
Venue: Dock Pullman, Aubervilliers
Dec 09 2019
Nov 19 2019
Orange Test and Dev Day, Grenoble, France
STAMP has been invited to join and showcase its tool suite at Orange Test and Dev Day.
Date: November 19, 2019
Place: Orange Meylan, Grenoble, France
Orange organizes an annual event dedicated to developers and testers, taking place in several Orange sites.
This "Dev and test" day includes presentations, use cases and success stories, as well as tech workshops, gathering both speakers from Orange and external invited participants. Around 180 participants will attend.
Nov 13 2019
Descartes and Elastest Working Together
Patxi Gortázar, Professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Elastest project coordinator, joined the latest STAMP plenary meeting in Madrid last October 9th, 2019.
Elastest is providing observability tools to understand what is going on in the code of a given software when it fails. Stamp tools, on their side, improve the quality of the test cases. Applying STAMP Descartes in a Java project can bring useful insights of the mutants that survive, while ElasTest offers accurate observability tools. Using both open source tools together can provide more information about how a DevOps team is performing on test technologies, including mutation testing and software testing automation.
For more information about this integration, read the Elastest article Amplifiying the value of your tests and check out the demo in the Elastest live instance.
Oct 31 2019
Polyglot Applications and Mutation Testing
In your Edge computing, Cloud computing or IoT environment, chances are you're mixing several services written in different languages.
"Multiple modern architectures are now polyglot, with a different language on the server and the clients, or even different languages among microservices", says Martin Monperrus, Professor at KTH.
Google, eBay, Twitter, and Amazon are among the big technology companies that have evolved to support a polyglot microservices architecture. "The essence of a polyglot architecture is to delegate the decision over which technology stack and programming languages to use to the service developers", explains Tripta Gupta in her article entitled Analyzing Polyglot Microservices.
In STAMP, we focus on Java because it's the #1 language for server-side enterprise applications. However, several mutation testing tools are now centered on popular development languages, including:
- Infection, a mutation testing tool for PHP
- MutPy and Mutmut, mutation testing tools for Python
- Muter, a mutation testing tool for Swift
- Unima, a mutation testing tool for C#
- Stryker Mutator, a mutation testing tool for C#, Scala, JavaScript and Typescript
This list is far from exhaustive. We'd like to ear about your favorite Mutation Testing Tools and your suggestions about STAMP Descartes.
Oct 31 2019
ISSRE 2019
Event: The 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2019)
Date: Oct 28 - 31, 2019
Place: Fraunhofer Fokus Institute, Berlin, Germany
During the ISSRE 2019 symposium, Brice Morin, Research Scientist at SINTEF talks about Amplifying integration tests with CAMP.
The talk is planned on Thursday, October, 31, from 9AM to 11AM.
The annual International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) is focused on innovative techniques and tools for assessing, predicting, and improving the reliability, safety, and security of software products. ISSRE is celebrating its 30th edition in Berlin, Germany, and will continue to emphasize scientific methods, industrial relevance, rigorous empirical validation and shared value of practical tools and experiences as paper selection criteria.
More information:
Oct 29 2019
Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO
We have identified a market opportunity in offering STAMP as SaaS
How would you present STAMP?
STAMP is about software testing, a professional activity with recent changes related to business agility and development productivity. These changes lead to the DevOps approach, with more collaboration between development and operation team members, so that they can deploy new services faster.
Oct 21 2019
EclipseCon 2019, Ludwigsburg, Germany
EclipseCon Europe 2019
Date: October 21-24
Place: Ludwigsburg, Germany
The STAMP Project will be presented by Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO, at EclipseCon Europe 2019, October 21-24 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. In the Research area of this event, two EU-funded H2020 projects will be showcased:
- ReachOut
Check out the photos and video about this event
Oct 14 2019
Castor Software Days in Stockholm KTH Campus
Date: 14-16 October 2019
Place: KTH main campus, SE-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden
Building: D2, Lindstedtsvägen 5, floor 3
Organized by the CASTOR software research center, the first edition of the CASTOR Software Days will be held at KTH, Stockholm, from Monday the 14th to Wednesday the 16th of October, 2019. Several STAMP project partners are involved in the program designed for software researchers, engineers and students to exchange about cutting-edge software technology in three areas:
- DevOps - Automation from continuous integration to runtime operations,
- Safety and Security - Hardening the software stack,
- Large-Scale Distributed Systems - Operations and data analysis at scale.
The days will mix keynotes, academic and industry talks, demos, lightning talks and student events.
Save the date in your calendars, and secure your seat right away!
- Program and registration: