Meeting Place: MUSME
Via San Francesco, 94
35121 Padova
Room: Argo meeting room
The Stamp project plenary meeting follows this agenda:
Wednesday, September 13
- 09:00 - 11:00: Work session
- Introduction (INRIA)
- WP6 (OW2/ActiveEon)
- 11:00 - 11:15: Coffee break
- 11:15 - 12:30: Work session
- WP4 (ENG) – Practical session
Getting started with Dspot and Descartes :-)
- WP4 (ENG) – Practical session
- 12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break
- 14:00 - 16:30: Work session
- WP5 (ATOS & UC providers)
- WP3 (TUD)
- 16:30 – 17:00: Coffee break
- 17:00 - 18:30: Work session
- ExCom / Governing Board
MUSME is the historical museum of medicine in Padova, which combines history and technology to illustrate medicine from ancient discipline to modern science.
More about the museum: MUSME Website