STAMP: Software testing amplification for DevOps -- Research project
A collaborative effort between 10 organizations, from 6 European countries to advance the state of the art in DevOps and automatic software testing
STAMP is a collaborative research project funded by the European Commission which ran from December 2016 to December 2019.
Key Results
- Four open source tools for the automatic enhancement of test suites
- Novel scientific results published in top scientific venues, including 7 papers accepted in the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering
- Significant improvement of test suites for all industry use cases
- Dissemination of test automation innovations in international industry conferences
Ongoing Experiments
We thank the European Commission and the H2020 framework program for their strong support in the project. We also thank all the partner organizations for their commitment to science, innovation and open source software. Finally, we thank all our collaborators, all the students, software developers, fellow researchers who have provided feedback, who have contributed to the tools and who are still experimenting with the STAMP technology today.
Congratulations to Carolin Brandt (TU Delft) who successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Test Amplification For and With Developers" in July 2024!
STAMP Interview
"Mutation testing can improve software reliability, including security", says Jeff Offutt, Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University (Virginia) Software companies, and companies that depend on software, succeed only if their software works well.
Four Testing Tools Ready to Try
DESCARTES tool is designed for software developers who wish to strengthen their test suite, as Descartes is a service that spots weak test cases and suggests improvements. Unlike code coverage tools which provide feedback about the breadth of the testing, our product focuses on providing feedback about the effectiveness of the testing.
DSpot will increase coverage and that the generated tests are also of better “quality" than existing tests (higher mutation score). For software developers and QA teams who wish to consolidate their test suite, DSpot is a service that automatically generates variants of existing test cases to cover more behaviors. Unlike Evosuite or AFL, DSpot starts from existing tests written by the developers. This way, the generated tests have a clear provenance and developers can understand the intention of these tests. Check out the DSpot video demontration.
CAMP helps software developers to ship their applications to a large number of platforms and environments. Using CAMP, software teams can formalize the variations that their applications need to support different databases, application servers, etc. While other configuration tests only address a small number of fixed configurations, CAMP automatically explores the space of valid configurations, selects a relevant subset, automates the tests and produces aggregated reports.
BOTSING is for software developers who wish to reproduce a runtime exception. Botsing is a service that fully and automatically generates a test case that reproduces a crash starting from a stack trace, helping developers find out where the bug lies and thus increasing productivity.
STAMP Use Cases
Check out the five use cases. They come from different application domains, such as collaboration and knowledge management, smart cities, workflow automation, open source middleware and eHealth software. And they provide new experimental foundations for the STAMP testing automation toolkit.
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