A-MOST, ICST 2018, April 13, Västerås, Sweden

The 14th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing is taking place in Västerås, Sweden, April 13, 2018.

  • 25 participants, including 23 researchers and developers outside the STAMP consortium.
  • Program Chair: Xavier Devroey, TU Delft, The Netherlands
  • Keynote Speaker: Pr. Jeff Offutt, Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University on “From Spec-based testing to Test Automation and Beyond”
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Brice Morin, Senior Research Scientists at SINTEF Digital, on “Configuration testing of Docker-based Microservices”
  • Six paper presentations

You can find more information on the @AMOSTWorkshop Twitter account and on the AMOSTWorkshop website.