Blog - posts for 2019
January (7)
- Season's Greetings 2019
- Andy Zaidman, TU Delft Associate Professor in Software Engineering
- Sophia-Antipolis Workshop in Nice Chamber of Commerce Agenda
- Sophia-Antipolis Workshop in GSM
- Sophia-Antipolis Workshop in Agenda du Libre
- Sophia-Antipolis Workshop in WebTimeMedias
- STAMP Workshop: The State-of-the-art in Java Automation Testing
February (6)
- FOSDEM 2019, 2-3 Febr., Brussels
- Global vs Local Coverage
- STAMP Workshop at French Tech Central Station F
- Maven Central Top Libraries
- Five Machine Learning Usages in Software Testing
- STAMP Talk and Workshop, Station F Start-up Campus, Paris
March (5)
- Franck Chauvel, Research Scientist at SINTEF Digital
- STAMP article in Programmez!
- STAMP Webinar with Industry DevOps
- BreizhCamp 2019 STAMP & CI testing automation
- Configuration Tests: the JHipster web development stack use case
April (7)
- Search-Based Test Case Implantation for Testing Untested Configurations
- Lars Thomas Boye, Tellu IoT Senior Software Developer
- Plenary meeting in Stockholm, April 9-10
- Test Automation Research for Industry Workshop in Stockholm
- Mutation Testing Workshop at Ericsson HQ in Stockholm
- STAMP talks at Devoxx Paris
- Cyrille Artho, KTH Associate Professor
May (5)
- DSpot meetup in Stockholm
- STAMP Banners
- STAMP Workshop for EC-DGIT
- Jeff Offutt, Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University (Virginia)
- STAMP Software Testing Practices at ICSE 2019
June (6)
- Production Traffic For Testing
- STAMP Breakout Session & Talks at OW2con'19
- STAMP Testing Tools Among Mature OSS Featured at OW2con'19
- DSpot Amplification Visualization
- STAMP appears in Solutions Numeriques, GSM, and Programmez
- STAMP article in Linux Magazine
July (3)
- Eastern Paris Dev Meetup
- On Collaboration, Science, Software Technology and Open Source
- Descartes Webinar with Sopra-Steria
August (3)
September (3)
- ElasTest and STAMP Collaboration
- Descartes and DSpot Demo Applied to OW2 Joram
- DSpot first implementation in the Pharo Smalltalk ecosystem
October (9)
- STAMP at SAST, Stockholm
- Descartes Webinar with Orange
- JUG meetup in Madrid
- Plenary Meeting in Madrid
- Castor Software Days in Stockholm KTH Campus
- EclipseCon 2019, Ludwigsburg, Germany
- Cedric Thomas, OW2 CEO
- ISSRE 2019
- Polyglot Applications and Mutation Testing