
Blog - posts for September 2017

Sep 28 2017

Mutation testing with PIT and Descartes

Vincent Massol, Technical Director of XWiki SAS, wrote an article about a recent experimentation with Descartes, a mutation engine for PIT, in the framework of the STAMP project. 

Here's an example of running Descartes on an XWiki module:

For more information, click on the Pit test report and read the Vincent Massol blog post, published here: Mutation testing with PIT and Descartes

Sep 20 2017

CloudWatchHub Summit, 20 Sept. 2017, Amsterdam

Meeting: CloudwatchHub Summit
Date: Sept 20-21, 2017
Place: TQ Tech Hub, Singel 542, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cedric Thomas, Stamp Project dissemination leader, is participating at the CloudwatchHub Summit, in TQ Amsterdam (NL). Enabling Innovation, Research and Growth in ICT for the Digital Single Market

Sep 20 2017

CloudWatchHub Summit Poster


Filename (7.7 MB): STAMP_POSTER_A1_CMYK_V5_ForPrint.pdf, version 5, 20/09/2017


Sep 19 2017

CloudWATCH Europe

CloudWATCH Europe 2017 -  Enabling Innovation, Research and Growth in ICT for the Digital Single Market

TQ Amsterdam
Singel, 542
1017, AZ Amsterdam
Visit the website:

Sep 17 2017

Using Docker and Jenkins to test configurations

XWiki SAS is part of the STAMP research project and one domain of this research is improving configuration testing.

In this article, Vincent Massol, Technical Director of XWiki SAS, suggests a new architecture that should allow XWiki to be tested on various configurations, including various supported databases and versions, various Servlet containers and versions, and Various Browsers and versions.

Sep 13 2017

Plenary Meeting in Padova, 13-14 Sept. 2017

Meeting Place: MUSME
Via San Francesco, 94
35121 Padova
Room: Argo meeting room

Sep 05 2017

September 2017 Newsletter

STAMP Newsletter - September 2017


  • Illustrate your test reports

    Check out a new Jenkins pipeline script to automatically attach failing test screenshots to your test reports.

  • Read our Commit Strip

  • Replay STAMP at OW2con'17

    Etienne Sauvage, Engineer at OW2, presented STAMP Testing Amplification at the OW2 annual conference in Orange Innovation Gardens in Paris.



  • 17-24 SEPT. Two scientific papers about Refactoring of Tests and Continuous Integration at ICSME
  • 24-26 OCT. The EclipseCon Europe OW2 booth will host STAMP and other collaborative projects.
  • 06-07 DEC. Join the STAMP project team at the OW2 village at OSS Paris 2017.


DevOps Puts A Huge Emphasis On Test Quality

While DevOps promises to drastically reduce delivery cycles, hasty deployment entails the hazard of propagating a regression bug into production due to lack of sufficient testing. Statement coverage is the most popular metric to determine the adequacy of a test suite. However, this metric is known to be a poor indicator of a test suite's capacity to detect bugs.

At EclipseCon Europe next October, STAMP project coordinator Benoit Baudry will introduce and illustrate the benefits of another metric for test suite quality: the mutation score. Click on the boarding pass above for more on what to expect from STAMP in Ludwisgburg. 

Why adopt a new testing suite? Share our Commit Strip to convince the developers and experts around you to give STAMP a try :)



Do you code in a Java project with an existing test suite? Download DSpot to automatically generate new JUnit tests and extend your existing test cases. Give it a try now!